Episode 1: Central State Hospital

November 28, 2023

Guests: Jessica Whitehead, Matt and Sarah Dennis

“I’m struck by how massive the hospital was, but then there’s these thousands of individual intimate stories. That’s something that I try to capture.”

– Jessica Whitehead

“It just came out of nowhere…when we discovered it, it was kind of like a time capsule.”

What’s it all about?

Lost Places & Faces is a podcast for people who like to look through fences. I unlock the gates to dark and musty hallways, looking for the memories lingering in forgotten space. These places can be dangerous….and the scariest things are often the real people inside.

In this first episode, we go behind the fences of Central State Hospital, an abandoned asylum just outside of Milledgeville, Georgia. On the way, we’ll meet a photographer named Jessica and learn a lot about the state of mental health in Georgia. Jessica Whitehead is an award winning photographer whose art is hanging in the Georgia Governor’s mansion.

Are you ready to go inside?

Open the Gates

Special Note

We had permits to enter the Central State Hospital campus. We took precautions to enter the building safely with our law enforcement escort, Matt. These buildings are dangerous and best explored through podcasts, like this one. Please don’t trespass and get hurt!